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Join us for Worship - Sundays at 10 a.m.  

In Person and on Facebook Live  

50 E. Duval Road

Green Valley, AZ 95614

We are so glad that you are considering joining us for worship. Our prayer is that you will feel God's presence in our midst.

We are not your average church. We are a house church! Our focus is on building close community and living out faith in daily life, drawing inspiration from the early Christian practice of meeting in homes.

Worship Service Description

Our worship is a small, intimate blended service of traditional and contemporary music, lively preaching and prayer. Services typically last one hour.

Our sermons are grounded in Scripture so bring your Bible or use one of ours.

What to Expect

Come as you are.  Dress is casual. All are welcome.


Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month, and is open to everyone. There are no requirements or restrictions to take Communion.

We serve by intinction with grape juice and have a gluten-free option as well, so there are no barriers for anyone to participate.


Each Sunday during worship, we pass the offering plate to collect tithes and donations. As a visitor, please do not feel any pressure to participate. This is for those who call SCVUMC their home as they help support the ministries that God is doing through us.


Following worship each Sunday, you are invited to join us for a time of fellowship, conversation,

coffee and snacks on the patio.

Feel free to bring  your coffee into worship with you!

First Time Guest?

Welcome! Please fill out a new visitor card with your contact info and drop it in the offering plate. 

Get Involved in Worship

Join us on the Worship Team. Positions available: Usher, Greeter, Projection, Sound Tech, Liturgist, Band Singer or Musician.

For information about becoming a member of SCVUMC, confirmation class, weddings, baptisms, and funerals, please contact us.

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